Ovarian Vein Embolization in Fairfax, Fredericksburg & Woodbridge

Varicose veins are a common issue that affects roughly 20 percent of adults. Varicose veins are most commonly seen on a person’s legs and calves. But did you know that varicose veins can affect any vein in the body? Some women, unfortunately, can have varicose veins in their ovaries, which may be a symptom of pelvic congestion syndrome.

When the ovarian vein dilates, the valves do not close properly. This can result in the blood backflowing, which is known as reflux. If this occurs, blood can start pooling within the pelvic area.

What Causes Varicose Veins In The Ovaries?

Doctors are currently unsure of the direct cause of varicose veins forming in the ovaries. However, there are multiple theories that could potentially cause them. For women, it could be the result of pregnancy or estrogen.

When women become pregnant, their blood vessels expand so their bodies can sustain the extra blood flow required to sustain the developing fetus. These changes can damage the blood vessel walls. As a result, this can cause the ovarian veins to remain dilated even after giving birth.

In the case of estrogen, it is usually uncommon for people who have gone through menopause. This led to the theory that estrogen could be a cause of ovarian varicose veins. When menopause occurs, estrogen levels decrease as a result. Since estrogen has an effect on the blood vessel walls, it is possible that it can increase the risk of potential defects.

What Is Ovarian Vein Embolization?

Ovarian vein embolization is a procedure that involves the destruction of varicose veins in the ovaries. It is performed using a local anesthetic via intravenous sedation. Once the patient is sedated, a catheter is used to insert a needle directly into the varicose ovarian vein. Sclerosing agents, which are chemicals that cause inflammation, are injected through the needle. Then, small metal coils are inserted to clot the blood to prevent it from flowing.

What Are The Risks Of Ovarian Vein Embolization?

Although ovarian vein embolization is a suitable treatment for varicose veins, there are risks involved.

These risks include the following:

  • Damage to healthy blood vessels
  • Bruising
  • Bleeding at the injection site
  • Increased chance of contracting an infection

Another risk of ovarian vein embolization is having the embolic agent accidentally lodged in the wrong area. This can cause the surrounding healthy tissue to be deprived of its oxygen supply.

What Is The Recovery Period Like?

After the procedure is complete, you can expect to stay in our recovery area for a few hours. Once we have confirmed there will be no further issues, you will be released. You can expect to experience pelvic cramps for a few days, which are most severe during the first 24 hours. It will take about a month for you to fully recover and return to your normal routine. If you experience any complications, seek medical attention immediately.

Schedule an Appointment

If you notice varicose veins in your pelvic area, it could be a sign of a more severe issue. We cater to three locations: Fredericksburg, Woodbridge, and Fairfax, VA. Contact us at 703-763-5224 to schedule an appointment with the Vascular Institute of Virginia today.

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